Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad

Lordy Lordy, Jim is boring.

Doesn't rhyme, don't care.

I tried so hard to make it through this book, like, really tried. I couldn't even get through the Spark Notes, to be honest. I don't know if it was the mood I was in, or the nautical/court room setting, or the small print.... For whatever reason, the novel didn't not incite me to keep reading.

Not wanting to be completely negative about this entry, I will say that while the book often times put me to sleep, it opened my eyes in other ways. Not wanting to give up reading and not wanting to move on to another book, I started reading outside my novel list for the first time in a long time. I joined a book club. We mainly drink wine and talk about men, but we also read really current and exciting books. In the past year I've read about 12 books, all outside the reading list and all able to keep me up at night and stay on my mind all day.

Lord Jim didn't help me move forward at a good pace with my reading goal but it did remind me of why I had made the goal in the first place. I LOVE reading! Such a dorky statement, but its so true. I started because I wanted to open my mind, learn, and enjoy myself. I stopped because I felt stupid for not understanding the book and I was too stubborn to leave it behind, unread.

Going forward, I am hopeful that this won't happen again, but if it does and I have tried my best, I will count that as a job well read.

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