True to most Monday mornings in my house, I was scrambling to get out of the door in one piece and in my haste I forgot to bring my latest read with me. Any other day this would not be an issue but Mondays leave me a two hour gap to fill between work and trapeze school that I like to spend reading. Rather than scrap the plan I hit up Chapters and bought Anthem by Ayn Rand. It seemed short enough to finish quickly so that I could carry on with Sons and Lovers.
Five hours after purchasing the book, I have completed it, not only because its only 105 pages, but because it is awesome. A total cross between The Fountainhead (also an Ayn Rand classic) and Brave New World. The perfect union of my two favorite books so far.
True to Rand's style it was a story based around the concept of individualism and collectivism. Only Rand could weave such a pointed and meaningful take in only 105 pages.
Its a story of Equality 7-2521's break from a mundane and predetermined life into a would where 'we' becomes 'I' and individuality is celebrated. I loved the premise and the strong willed characters. Once again she has left me questioning my own path in life and whether or not I am living to my highest potential.
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