Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Fountainhead - First Half

Wow, I dont even know where to begin. Had I been smart I would have decided to write after each few chapters because this book has given me so many thoughts. As it is, I was too enthralled to stop reading long enough to write about it.

I think that the reason I had a tough time on my first go around with The Fountainhead was that Rand packs so much punch into each sentence. Every word is important, each sentence has meaning. Its hard to feel like I've gotten everything that the book has to offer because my brain just isn't big enough to handle all of it at once, nor fast enough to analyze every thought of hers. I have never been the type of person to read a book more than once, but I can see that happening in this case and getting more from it each time.

I love Roark so much. It was so difficult for me to read about his hard times when he would not accept work because that is not something I could ever do but I admire him so much for it. Having Keating in the novel only makes it more clear that Roark is so full of integrity and passion. I am scared that I might be more like Keating but at least this novel has allowed me to recognize that and hopefully change me into someone more similar to Roark.

I could go on and on about my thoughts on The Fountainhead but it seems like that would be very Keating of me. Instead I will enjoy the remainder of the pages in quiet amusement much like Roark would.

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