Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Of Mice and Men - Finished!

This book was the sweetest, saddest story that I've read in a long time. The relationship between Lennie and George was precious and their bond was so strong. Lennie seemed like such a well meaning man and George had a heart of gold for taking him under his wing.

The only thing that I didn't like was that Steinbeck kept using the N word through the whole book, but I do understand that it helped shape the story and kept it true to the time in which it was written.

I hated that Lennie had to die but I think that George did the right thing. Had he not killed Lennie in the most humane way he could imagine, the other men would have ripped him to shreds and caused him immense amounts of pain. I had a feeling that it would come to that when Candy said that he wished it had been him that had shot his dog. I'm glad that Slim had the intuition to know that George was so upset and did what he felt he needed to do to best protect his best friend.

I found it hard to see a lesson in this one. I guess it could be that you should hold on as long as you can until you can't help somebody anymore. Or that although the solution to a problem is horrible, it can still sometimes be the right thing to do.

Not much vocab except for one:

1. To calm in temper or feeling; soothe.
2. To lessen in intensity; temper.
3. To reduce the rigidity of; soften.

It sure was nice to have an easy read after struggling through some of the previous ones. On to something longer!

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