After reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, I am happier than ever about this little reading project. First of all, this is a book that I never would have considered reading, and second of all, if I had, I am certain that I would have given up on it after the first ten pages. Knowing that by reading this book cover to cover, I was reaching my goal kept me turning the pages.
That being said, it was not my favorite book by a long shot. However, I did appreciate the messages of personal freedom, self discovery, and following your true path. At first, Stephen was a character whose weakness annoyed me but it was cool to see the transition that he made throughout the story. In the beginning of the book he is observing everyone around him in a very meek manner and is quoting the words of famous artists and scholars. I thought that it was so interesting that the last section of the book is written in journal form. Although the writing isn't as polished as the rest of the book, it is very authentically Stephen. After years of struggling and searching for who he is, Stephen Dedalus finally found his own voice.
I love page 65 when Stephen is realizing just how alienated he is and shows his longing to find himself, his own soul.
"He wanted to meet in the real world the unsubstantial image which his soul so constantly beheld. He did not know where to seek it or how, but a premonition which led him on told him that this image would, without any overt act of his, encounter him. They would meet quietly as if they had known each other and had made their tryst, perhaps at one of the gates or in some more secret place. They would be alone, surrounded by darkness and silence: and in that moment of supreme tenderness he would be transfigured. He would fade into something impalpable under her eyes and then in a moment he would be transfigured. Weakness and timidity and inexperience would fall from him in that magic moment."
I thought that he was talking about meeting who he was destined to be and I liked it because it showed that he recognized that he was weak and timid. However, he could also be talking being with a girl for the first time. I can't tell which it is.
It is interesting that Stephen does everything that he feels he is supposed to do and is devoted to the church and lives by all of its principles, but in doing so has become colorless. "I have amended my life, have I not", he says. This is where I began to get excited about the decisions he was about to make.
I think that there are many lessons in this book. I learned to listen to your own mind and choose your own beliefs, ideas, and paths. Do not just accept what you are told. We are all meant to follow our own paths regardless of what you are told and taught. Above all, find your own voice.