This last part seemed to drag on and on and on and on...... It came down to the last ten pages that took about three days to read. They were three party nights and three hung over days, but still, I can usually power through.
Cool word: DESULTORY, meaning lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm. Ironic, considering that is my feeling towards the novel.
Don't get me wrong, I sure its a lovely book and that the way in which Lawrence writes is correct and proper, it was just that the story didn't grab me. Maybe I've been dating too many guys with mommy issues or I can't relate because I am a female and know in my heart that I would never treat my child that way. Regardless, I am happy to be moving on! (Something Miriam should have done a HELL of a long time ago!)
On the upside, the relationship between Mother and Son never got sexual! Boo-ya!